If you haven’t noticed, Madden 16 has just arrived and fans all over the world are enjoying the new game. Although there are a ton of new functionalities in the game, some of the basics remain the same. With every sporting game once you get to the point of mastery and you learn how to crush your opponents the next greatest thing since sliced bread is learning how to rub it in their face. Here is how you celebrate in Madden 16 against your opponents whenever they pick up the sticks and began to accept defeat. Whether you want to call it showboating, celebrating, dancing, show off, etc., here’s what you need to do to make it happen. Follow the instructions below.
For my Xbox One fanatics, you’ll need to hold [ L2 + A ] to get your player grooving in the right way to strut his stuff across the goal line. One of the things I’ve found quite useful in making this feel as organic as possible is thinking of it this way. As long as you have both of the triggers held down just add [ A ] and you’re good.
For Playstation 4 enthusiast, you’ll need to hold [ L2 + X ] to celebrate before scoring a touchdown against your opponent. I’m sure this will be a much comfortable thing to do on the PS4 joystick considering it’s not as bulky as the Xbox One controller so this should be a piece of cake for you guys.
To make sure that you are celebrating in Madden ’16 the proper way make sure that you have ample turbo left and enough room to avoid lingering defenders. This becomes important because if you manage to let a defender catch you they may cause you to fumble the football and that’s not what you want. The next time you’re able to score a TD and take it to the house, break into the open field and make it happen, Captain!
I will also be reviewing Madden ’16 very soon so if you want to know how to do anything else in Madden definitely be sure to leave a comment below and I’ll try to get you an answer as soon as possible. In the meantime keep rocking out in the game world and follow us for updates. Shoutout to the for putting together this awesome video tutorial be sure to subscribe to his YouTube page.
how do you showboat on the xbox 360
How to on ps3