The Gambler featuring Mark Wahlberg as Jim Bennett, has got to be one of the craziest films that has one of the weakest story lines you’ll ever come across. Set to debut in theaters this Christmas this would be a holiday dud that I’d stay far away from spending money on. To give you a quick overview of what the film is simply about if I could say it’s like a cheap version of Ocean’s Eleven mixed with a terrible mafia plot this would be it.
Throughout the entire film Mark plays this yuppie rich brat that has an addiction towards gambling so much so he’ll sell his mother for another chance at playing 21 Black Jack. In the film you can find some notable actors including the big homies Michael Kenneth Williams and Brie Larson but not even them could save this terrible plot at getting rich quick to payoff unnecessary debts. More than anything you can expect to see Michael Kenneth Williams kick Wahlbergs ass a good few times along with other mafia bosses in a Jewish and Korean gang in the city.

This movie definitely had the intentions on being a great one it had all the elements necessary to be successful minus an explosion or two. It had the boring random ass love plot, the suspense to make you feel like you were there in the room, the crazy sick villains, the great white hope that plays a hero and the ultra concern family members (I credit this element to Tyler Perry for making this popular now). In brief you this is about a guy that hates himself so much he put his entire teaching career in jeopardy fooling with students in his class room, sold his soul to some big time gangsters for loans worst than what Sallie Mae gives away to college students every month, and gets his ass beat over and over and over again by several mafia bosses.
I will say though if your a huge music buff this movie will have some tracks in it that’ll make you enjoy yourself while suffering from the weak story line and plot. So definitely avoid this film if your a huge movie go’er or if your interested in finding a great holiday film. If you absolutely have nothing else to do and your damn near dying feel free to partake in losing two hours of your life to watching this semi-successful film.
Catch it on Netflix's or at the Redbox
Acting score 5
Story score 4
SFX & Music score 8