Whenever there is something positive on the web, the best thing to do is share it with the ones you love. Since I love all of you I’d like to highlight and share with you one of my favorite videos on the web right now, that literally gave me chills watching it. Thanks to Rapsody, or how I like to refer to her as Queen Rapsody. She’s given us a beautiful visual for her song, “Crown”.
When initially watching the beginning of the music video, Rapsody greets you by saying, “Hey, hey you there. Where’s your crown? You didn’t leave the house without your crown did you?” She then goes on to encourage you while reciting a beautiful poem in the most eloquent way to get you ready for what’s about to happen. As the scenes change it reminds you of the intro to the classic basketball film, He Got Game, directed by Spike Lee.
Then, BAM a beautiful instrumental smacks you in the face and she goes in bar-for-bar to highlight the joys of doing the right thing. Graduating from high school, taking care of your family, and the importance of educating yourself. What I love most about it is the setting appears to be North Carolina and highlights a much-needed area that so many hip-hop artists overlook in their videos. Now if that’s not something to brag about and hold your head up high about I don’t know what is. Not to mention she showed much love to Greene Central High School in Snow Hill, NC as well. At the very end of the video, she leaves a called to action for you to become a mentor via the WH.gov/mbk initiative and 62milliongirls.com. I know my wife and I will definitely be checking out those two programs and be ready for when Rapsody drops her upcoming album.
If you haven’t already, be sure to download her Crown EP and follow her here to keep up with all things Rapsody. I can assure you that it’s awesome since my wife and I enjoy listening to this EP while taking long drives throughout the DMV. Songs that will definitely make you feel good include Gonna Miss You, Goals, 2AM, Through with Him, and of course Crown.
Also, shoutout to Camovement, Jamla, Roc Nation, and the Greene Central High School Rams.