Ladies and gentlemen! In a few days, we will have the top of the line of long awaited DLCs dropping and I cannot wait. Bungie has introduced “Year 2” of Destiny,”The Taken King,” almost as an entirely new game. It finally gains more of an RPG feel (which I’ve totally been hoping for). Of course the level cap will get boosted and it’s not only for veteran players, everyone will get it. Hopefully with that feature we won’t be hearing any complaints…if that’s even possible.
First and most important, all classes get a new subclass to level up! Nightstalker for the Hunter (yaasss!), Stormcaller for the Warlock, and Sunbreaker for the Titan. Nightstalker gives you this badass bow and arrow which is SURE to give you some beautiful headshots but also tethers opponents to slow them for the team! Stormcaller will hit the Warlock with some awesome lighting bolts that can chain through other characters! Titans Sunbreaker which gives you the HAMMER OF SOL upgrade (exactly what it sounds like) which I cannot emphasize enough is the sexiest thing ever and will make a lot of players rage-quit.
Your level, will now be determined on experience points, instead of armor, and the level you have now will carry over to the highest level you can have when the system changes. You win some and you lose some, but at least they’re not starting everyone off at level 1. This is the greatest thing to me because I can’t stand being a lower level and just hoping for better gear to level up. I prefer to grind hard and get the experience I deserve!
Get ready for the quest screen!!! Now you don’t have to wait for a full inventory load to view the requirements of completion. The same way I feel about not having a quest-finder in ESO, is how I felt about having to wait for my inventory to see what quest I needed to do. It may seem like it takes the work out but honestly, how easy is it to memorize every little detail of what you need to do to gain the rep and experience from your quest?
We get SIXTEEN bounty slots now! So if you’re a bounty hoarder and love turning them all in at the same time (like myself) you’ll be totally satisfied. Just try not to cry at your incomplete bounties being abandoned automatically because your exotic bounties will be automatically COMPLETED so it’s all good. Eris bounties will be retired, but you can still earn rep in Crota through respective quests.
Motes of light will now level up your weapons and armor AND class-specific materials will be evened out for less over-powered class bashing. Plus, who’s been hoarding motes of light? I just blew them all on a bunch of hunter cloaks because my inventory was just packed with them and I had nothing else to use them for. I’m happy they aren’t removing things, it’s much nicer to see them take the time to make things useful instead.
Bungie is currently recommending to complete all your bounties and try running through the story again to understand what’s coming up in TTK. Hunt wolf packs to take their ether keys (as they will be running away due to Crota’s coming). Complete grimoires and moments of triumph as they carry over to TTK and you know you want to start as far ahead of the rest as possible.
I can’t wait, I can’t wait, I can’t wait!!! Just when most people start butt-hurting about how boring Destiny is, or how tired they get of playing the game, Bungie gives you a load to look forward to! You can definitely look forward to my review when my digital pre-order downloads next week!!!