Big Boi and Phantogram team up together to release their self-titled Big Grams EP on September 25 via Epic. So here we have it for you guys to enjoy check out their inaugural single “Fell in the Sun.” It shares the dope sounds that you’re accustomed to hearing on a Phantogram track fused with Big Boi’s mastery of Southern Rap.
As soon as this track comes on, you’re hit in the head with dreamy horns, a hardcore bassline, and that dreamy voices of Phantogram. I’ll definitely keep my eyes peeled for the release of this EP as I’m sure there will be a ton of other bangers on it. Big Boi has a history of putting hot tracks on his projects and I’m sure he’ll be sure to do the same with this one as well. Phantogram already won my heart when I would hear “When I’m Small” over the Gillette Pro Glide razor commercials while watching Sportscenter on ESPN, but now that they are teamed up with Big Boi I’m all ears.
The EP is available as a free download if you pre-order the album, so be sure to support the big homies on their latest release.