5 Drinks a man should never think about ordering at the bar
These are 5 drinks a man should definitely never think about ordering while at the bar. If you do not want a bartender to ask you, “SERIOUSLY!!!” then stay away from ordering these drinks. Check out the list then comment below and let us know what other drinks should definitely not be in a mans request while ordering a drink.
This drink is usually a variation of some sort of vodka with more then a splash of juice. Most recipes call for only 2 oz. of liquor and three different kinds of JUICES. Therefore this is definitely not a manly drink to start your night with the fellas.
2. Tequila Sunrise
This drink should not evoke any emotion in a man. You will be upset with this drink being that tequila is such a dense drink causing most of it to settle at the bottom of your glass, leaving you with a girly looking drink. If you are trying to look cool at the bar, women might think you’re a metrosexual.
3. Sex on the Beach
This overly girly drink contains vodka, schnapps, and creme de cassis which sounds very female friendly if i might say so myself. Usually garnished with orange slices or maraschino cherries, this drink is the Queen of fruity and should never be ordered by a man. If you ever hear a man order this drink sit at the other side of the bar, stay on your side.
4. Angry Orchard
This beer is nothing more then hard apple cider. With a beer company as its owner you would think it would have a BANG. I’d rather have some eggnog during christmas honestly. But that’s just me *Sips Long Island Ice Tea*
5. Moscato
This is a wine that crashed into pop culture thanks to Drake the mega emo rapper. It is def nothing a man wants to drink nor will you ever catch a REAL buzz drinking these softly squeezed grapes. Its a sweet white wine which sadly enough loses to the Angry Orchard if those were your only two drinks to choose from but thanks to the universe we have Henny.
Anything with garnish, two or more colors, or little umbrellas means STAY away from it dammit. Sounds cooler when you say Ciroc on the rocks.